
If you are upgrading from a pre v0.4 release you need to first run pip3 uninstall sol as the package name has changed!

To install SOL you need to have an account to access our SOL PIP repository. You can check with your browser if you can login to:

If that works, you first need to install the SOL package manager:

pip3 install nec-sol

With the package manager you can manage your SOL installation. This is necessary as SOL requires to download dependencies from non PyPI servers, which is not supported when publishing packages on PyPI.

Install SOL

For installing SOL modules, just run:

nec-sol install [modules]

MODULES can be any combination of the following list:

# Frameworks: [pytorch, onnx, dl4j]
# Devices:    [x86, ve, nvidia]
# Developers: [sdk, tests]
# Optional:   [cudnn, torchvision]

You can rerun the command at any time to add further modules. Modules such as ONNX or PyTorch will automatically download the required packages in the correct version. You can check available packages also using nec-sol list_available:

## NEC-SOL Package Manager v0.4.1

Available SOL Modules:
- arm64
- core
- cudnn
- dl4j
- nvidia
- onnx
- pytorch
- sdk
- tests
- torchvision
- ve
- x86

If you are a user of the SOL4VE Closed Beta you only have access to the pytorch, onnx, dl4j, ve, torchvision modules.

Check which modules are installed

For modules run:

nec-sol list_installed

For plugins run:

nec-sol list_installed_plugins

Uninstall SOL

If you wish to uninstall SOL, or a specific module, just run:

nec-sol uninstall [modules]

Upgrade/Change Version of SOL

For upgrading SOL just run:

nec-sol upgrade [version]

You can optionally pass an version number to upgrade/downgrade to a specific version. Be warned, downgrading might not work flawlessly in all cases. The version number needs to match the version on .

Install SOL locally

If your server does not have direct internet connection you can use:

nec-sol download [modules]

It will download SOL + all dependencies into the current folder. Copy these files to your target machine and run the following command in the same folder:

nec-sol install [modules] --local


Error:I totally messed up everything, how can I reset SOL?
  • Don't Panic!
  • run pip3 install --upgrade nec-sol. This should upgrade the SOL package manager to the newest version.
  • run nec-sol uninstall and confirm to uninstall all packages
  • run nec-sol install [modules] with the list of modules you want to use.
  • Done!

Error:SSLError(SSLError(1, '[SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed (_ssl.c:852)'),)
Solution: On CentOS pip does not trusts not the systems certificates. As user you can fix this problem with: pip3 config set cert /etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt. As root you can fix this for all users using:
sudo sh -c 'echo [global] > /etc/pip.conf'
sudo sh -c 'echo cert = /etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt >> /etc/pip.conf'