This example requires the torchvision package: . Please note, that SOL does not support the use of model.eval()
or model.train()
. SOL always assumes model.eval()
for running inference, and model.train()
when running training.
import torch
import sol
import torchvision.models as models
''' Training in PyTorch requires to use a loss function at the end of the network
that is normal not part of the structure. To add the loss function into the SOL
model you can embed it into a wrapper model like this.'''
class TrainingModel(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(self, model):
self.m_model = model
self.m_loss = torch.nn.L1Loss()
def forward(self, x, y, z, target):
output = self.m_model(x, y, z)
loss = self.m_loss(A, target)
return sol.no_grad(output), loss
py_model = models.__dict__["alexnet"]()
input = torch.rand(32, 3, 224, 224)
target = torch.rand(32, 1000)
opt = sol.optimize(TrainingModel(py_model), input, target)
''' Run training '''
for batch in ...:
input, target = ...
output, loss = opt(input, target)
''' Run validation '''
with torch.no_grad():
for batch in ...:
input, target = ...
output = opt(input, target)[0]
''' Deploying model needs to be called on the PyTorch model. Direct deployment of SOL models is not supported yet. '''
py.load_state_dict(opt.state_dict(), strict=False)
sol.deploy(py, sol.input([1, 3, 224, 224]), libName="libmynetwork", funcName="predict", deployPath=".", sol.deployment.SharedLib, sol.device.x86)
IMPORTANT: SOL does not provide the “num_batches_tracked” value for BatchNormalization, therefore loading the state dict with
load_state_dict(…, strict=True)
will fail in these cases!
Error: | The SOL model returns more outputs than the PyTorch model. |
Solution: |
This error occurs, i.e., in TorchVisions Inception V3 or GoogleNet. These models return 1 output in inference and 2 outputs in training mode. SOL relies on the TorchScript parser. Unfortunately the TorchVision models are build in a way that hides the change of output behavior from TorchScript. However, you can implement this yourself as follows:
SOL currently does not support to dynamically switch between these two modes and requires to compile the model for each mode separately. |
Please refer to for how these functions are used. This documentation only contains which layers, functions and tensor functionality is currently implemented within SOL.
Please see the following list of all supported operators. Since v0.4.2 we use TorchScript for parsing the neural network.