Starting with v0.4.1 SOL comes with the option to add user defined plugins. To use the SOL SDK you first need to install nec-sol install sdk. Then go to the path where sol is installed (usually under .local/lib/python*/sol), go to the sdk folder. Within the example folder you can find different kinds of SOL plugins.

You can build these examples using:

cmake -DCMAKE_MODULE_PATH=/path/to/sol/sdk /path/to/sol/sdk/examples/type/

To test if your plugin works, you need to copy it to /path/to/sol/lib64 and run python3 -m sol. It will display an overview of all loaded plugins.


SOL Compiler Plugins:
    Devices:     [x86, ve]
    Frameworks:  [pytorch, dl4j, onnx]
    Deployments: [static_lib, shared_lib]
    Backends:    [dfp::ncc, dnn::mkl, dnn::veblas, dnn::cublas, dnn::dnnl, dfp::ispc, dnn::veasl, dnn::vednn]
    Jits:        [gcc, ncc, dot, ispc, python]

SOL Runtime Plugins:
    x86          [dfp::ispc, none]
    ve           [dnn::veblas, dnn::veasl, dnn::vednn, none]


If your plugin is not shown within this view, please run SOL_LOG=TRACE python3 -m sol and check why SOL rejects your plugin. The most common reason is that SOL can’t find depending shared libraries or your plugin was compiled for another version of SOL. To ensure compatibility, SOL rejects all plugins whose version differs EVEN between minor releases!

SOL Plugin Infrastructure

SOL plugins are versions and can only be loaded for the specific version they have been build for. Further, SOL plugins enforce specific namespace conventions. The following macros can be used to register the necessary callbacks within the SOL plugin:

#define SOL_REGISTER_BACKEND("MyBackend")
    /* Enables this backend for MyDevice and OtherDevice */
    {"MyDevice", "OtherDevice"},
    /* generates files as FILENAME.custom.cpp and compiles them to
	   FILENAME.custom.o */
    {".custom", ".cpp"}, 
        /* Can be used received the Backend as:
		      heuristic<MyFancyOp>({Layout::NCP, Layout::OIP})
		   and gets populated as:
		      sol.config['heuristic::mybackend::myfancyop::ncp::oip'] */
        Heuristic<MyFancyOp>({Layout::NCP, Layout::OIP}, 100),
        Heuristic<MyFancyOp>({Layout::NCP, Layout::PIO}, 120)
    {"MyDevice", "OtherDevice"}
#define SOL_REGISTER_DEPLOYMENT("MyDeployment")
#define SOL_REGISTER_DEVICE("MyDevice") 
#define SOL_REGISTER_FRAMEWORK("MyFramework")
#define SOL_REGISTER_FRAMEWORK_RUNTIME("MyFramework", "MyDevice")
#define SOL_REGISTER_JIT("MyJit")       

In theory you can mix all of these components within one plugin, but it is not recommended to do that. Please take a look at the examples provided in /path/to/sol/sdk/examples to see how these functions are used and how the namespace needs to be setup.

SOL_REGISTER_PLUGIN_INIT can be used to do plugin specific initializations, i.e.:

	sol::reportVersion("MyLib", MYLIB_VERSION_STRING);

SOL Plugins Loading Order

Plugins will be loaded in the following order:

  1. libsol-jit-*.so
  2. libsol-device-*.so
  3. libsol-layers-*.so
  4. libsol-backend-*.so
  5. libsol-framework-*.so
  6. libsol-deployment-*.so

Further, the runtime system will load libsol-framework-* libraries when creating a device context. These can be necessary if SOL shall share the same memory space with the framework. If no such library exists, SOL will use it’s default memory allocators.